I start work at August..
actually im so lazy.. But i need $$
I know my friends all scold me stupid
For the $$ n dont want to study
but im NOT!!
I think this is a good job.. Why?
i have freedom when i work
i can on9..can study..can do homework.. and more...
The place are damn quiet.. Just me alone
so suitable to study.. but sometimes i will scare bcause its too quiet
I just worry how i study alone.. not ppl teach me
I dun noe wan start from where and my MATH
But I really want to study ><
My work time is unsure.. my boss always sudden to call me go work
Im on call 24hours ><
But the best is.. if me no free no go to work oso nvm
free just go
I think where can find this good job?
i want to continue this job but i still have my SPM exam
I have a godd relationship with my boss.. Just like friend :)
we can talk about shopping..travel.. and more
When im with her im relaxed and no more pressure
shes not severe.. its feel good
Everytimes i work she will call me to rest
im so curiousness
I have take salary for work but u always call me to rest
i will paiseh leh~~~ ><
I just random write about this
Bcoz i have mood to update but i dun noe want write about wat
Tomorrow!! Oh Yeah!! Its 1 August
The MV teaser!! My SuJu!!

大图出来咯~~~~ 呼呼呼~~~~~~
帅爆了啦 ><
I Hate SME!!
如果SJ不是SM的那有多好 ><
SM之所以要出十種專輯原因是要慢慢毀SJ! SM除了利用這種方式賺錢比往年賺的利潤多三倍!而且要透過這種方式調查 SJ哪位成員最高人氣〜目前被看好成員專輯銷量好的有: 李東海,金希澈,崔始源,朴正洙,曹圭賢以及李晟敏!
大家想挑專輯還要加錢 但是公司就是看準了我們會想買自家本命的封面 這其實也是一種變相的人氣調查 看誰的封面賣的少估計以後都不好過 請大家不要為了自己的私好去助公司一臂之力!!!!!!!!切記請大家買的時候不要挑選封面 如果哥哥們看到自己的封面賣不好也會難過吧? 所以請大家把者消息擴散出去~
大家想挑專輯還要加錢 但是公司就是看準了我們會想買自家本命的封面 這其實也是一種變相的人氣調查 看誰的封面賣的少估計以後都不好過 請大家不要為了自己的私好去助公司一臂之力!!!!!!!!切記
像我这种没钱人 只能买一张专辑罢了
他还要跟我出1人一个封面 (哭)
但都心甘情愿的 ><
啊~~~~ I NEED $$$
5辑造型 ♥

My SuJu is release their sculpt for new album ^^
Title is colourful? Mr.Simple? Just guess ><
Im So anticipate!!!
1 day 1 people 1 look
its finish finally!!
Lets see my Oppa..s look n their style ♥
1st day ♥
Lee Hyuk Jae ♥♥

White hair Hyuk XD
Lee Dong Hae ♥♥

OMG~~ handsome face!!
My Teukie ♥♥

I cant accept this actually TT
Shin Dong ♥♥

Cool Style~~~ with the bling bling gun XD
Kyu Hyun ♥♥

Leopard grain~ Oh My Love ♥
Lee Sung Min ♥♥

net cloth!! Sexy man~~~ >//<
Ryeo Wook ♥♥

That is 鸡毛扫?? ><
Ye Sung ♥♥

Leopard grain again~ Pink leopard grian!! Fashion ♥
Choi Si Won ♥♥

OMG~~ I really cant accept this!! T^T
The body shape and the skin..
But i cant accept is that shorts!! ><
Last, Kim Hee Chul ♥♥

Fashion Chul ♥ i cant found the cartoon pic TT
Here is the combine photo
But no have all.. because at the time they have not release finish ><

Then... My Kang In Oppa!!!
I miss he much TT

I know this is a fake photo.. but i really miss him ><
And Han Gyung... i find his fake photo last time
I forget to save!! So... i cant find it now
Just like disappear TT
始源奶奶 R.I.P
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