Went to see 刘力杨 at megamall
With my dear friend, Ah Ming , Te Lim and Hui Yee
First, I curious why this event hold at this suck place
I hate go to there because there have many malay and lala
feel so dirty ><
Say back the topic
She is very handsome although she is a female !!
Very very handsome and pretty
All the beautiful adjective is suitable to her
Listened her 3 live song
谈感情 旅途 and 天后
Nice voice , nice song
She shocked me with her eyes .. Wowww
Since than , I love her so much !!
I repeat listen her 2 song recently
The lyrics of 谈感情 is really touch me
Damn like this song !
I like her outfits very much !
While singing
She is really charming ...
She signed at her album
I didn't buy this because I want save the money to buy Kpop things
But I regret now ...
Make track to a star is my hobby !
I'm a idolater
Until now I just had saw
Golf and Mike , F.I.R , 柯震东 , 刘力杨 and Super Junior only
I had miss the chance to saw TVXQ , Miss A , B1A4 and the second time with Golf and Mike
regret again T.T
Haagen Dazs !
Zoel Farewell + Birthday Party
Emm.. Actually I got work that night
I lied my manager that I period and forget bring my sanitary napkin so I can back earlier
What a suck lie ! HAHAHA
I think we just go Nueve for drinks but finally they went to Room
I wear so simple and didn't make up
Zoel gonna go to Australia for work and that day is her birthday
Oppss .. I don't know is her birthday actually
Kinda embarrassed
Party Time !
Oppa Gangnam Style ! High High High !!
Everytime this song playing everywhere will become racecourse ..
Here's come our photo !
Bye bye Zoel .. and Happy Birthday to you :)

跟美女拍照很压力 T_T
This is my pretty math teacher ~ hohoho
Thanks for teaching me math while SPM
The VIP of Room
3 of us are vegetarian :*
brown , copper , green
Drink Drank Drunk !
I was drunk !
first time feel like wanna vomit , it's really suffer
First time fetched friend back home and not my car while I'm drunk
I don't know the speed I drive and my sis scold me
Whatever , I hate drug ! I hate irresponsible person !
Can you go to hell ?
I lied my manager that I period and forget bring my sanitary napkin so I can back earlier
What a suck lie ! HAHAHA
I think we just go Nueve for drinks but finally they went to Room
I wear so simple and didn't make up
Zoel gonna go to Australia for work and that day is her birthday
Oppss .. I don't know is her birthday actually
Kinda embarrassed
Party Time !
Oppa Gangnam Style ! High High High !!
Everytime this song playing everywhere will become racecourse ..
Here's come our photo !
Bye bye Zoel .. and Happy Birthday to you :)

跟美女拍照很压力 T_T
This is my pretty math teacher ~ hohoho
Thanks for teaching me math while SPM
The VIP of Room
3 of us are vegetarian :*
brown , copper , green
Drink Drank Drunk !
I was drunk !
first time feel like wanna vomit , it's really suffer
First time fetched friend back home and not my car while I'm drunk
I don't know the speed I drive and my sis scold me
Whatever , I hate drug ! I hate irresponsible person !
Can you go to hell ?
Story about this morning
I angry this morning because of that brainless people
So I turn to my sister's room to continue my sleep
When my dad back , he keep calling me because he can't found me at my room
I'm so curious why he keep looking me
I hadn't awake and laying on my bed
Suddenly my dad scare me !!
With this things !!
Dadang ~~
WTF is this thing?
I know that I'm so "sua ba" because I'm vegetarian
This is the second time I see this
First time was last week when I went to beach
My dad really naughty !!
He keep scare me until me hide in the sheet and shouting non-stop
But he don't want to stop playing
He use this thing touch me
OMG!!!!!! so geli lah !!!
My dad always so naughty
like to playing childish things
He's 老顽童 -.-
After that he scare my sister and my dog
So my house full of yaup
My dog get scare run away and fall down
Look so funny ! hahaha
Now my dad keep they in the lavabo
Later will 放生
bye bye ~~ I don't want to see u again T.T
I angry this morning because of that brainless people
So I turn to my sister's room to continue my sleep
When my dad back , he keep calling me because he can't found me at my room
I'm so curious why he keep looking me
I hadn't awake and laying on my bed
Suddenly my dad scare me !!
With this things !!
Dadang ~~
WTF is this thing?
I know that I'm so "sua ba" because I'm vegetarian
This is the second time I see this
First time was last week when I went to beach
My dad really naughty !!
He keep scare me until me hide in the sheet and shouting non-stop
But he don't want to stop playing
He use this thing touch me
OMG!!!!!! so geli lah !!!
My dad always so naughty
like to playing childish things
He's 老顽童 -.-
After that he scare my sister and my dog
So my house full of yaup
My dog get scare run away and fall down
Look so funny ! hahaha
Now my dad keep they in the lavabo
Later will 放生
bye bye ~~ I don't want to see u again T.T
Allen Birthday Party
Went to Allen birthday party last Friday at Sri Sayang ressort
Didn't take many photo at there
because when I reached it's late :(
When I reached
So many shoes and it's is untidy
After that had my dinner
Me and my sis really too hungry , we haven't ate our dinner before we go
Thanks for Fatty fried rice and fried maggie
But this fried maggie is really too much ..
Anyway thanks for his mom cook vegetarian for us :)
That day outfits , just a simple outfits
Wish this boy Happy Birthday !!
I look fat in this photo TT
We drink that night
this is just the some
I drink much that day , don't know
Just got mood to drink :P
Last , group photo
The most I took photo that day is my 自恋照
Just show it now :P
" Single , Available and Dry "
Didn't take many photo at there
because when I reached it's late :(
When I reached
So many shoes and it's is untidy
After that had my dinner
Me and my sis really too hungry , we haven't ate our dinner before we go
Thanks for Fatty fried rice and fried maggie
But this fried maggie is really too much ..
Anyway thanks for his mom cook vegetarian for us :)
That day outfits , just a simple outfits
Wish this boy Happy Birthday !!
I look fat in this photo TT
We drink that night
this is just the some
I drink much that day , don't know
Just got mood to drink :P
Last , group photo
The most I took photo that day is my 自恋照
Just show it now :P
" Single , Available and Dry "
The Expendables 2
The Expendables 2
Watched this movie yesterday with my colleague
Never watch this movie before and I don't know this is the season 2 also
While have a seat in the cinema I still don't know what story it's talking about
Nobody tell me .. LOL
The whole movie just shooting non stop
That's the one I know .. haha
But it's not bad ..
More suit for guy I think ..
昨晚梦见你了 你还是那么的可爱
我顿时停下了脚步 脑子里浮现了好多画面
在送你最后一程前 听着这首你最爱的歌哭得半死
我知道我不能听到这首歌 我知道我会流泪
就像上次那样 跟朋友去唱K
唱着这首歌 眼泪还是流了下来
好想把现在发生的一切告诉你 也想听听你的近况 听你对我诉苦
还有来世 我还要你当我弟
不是干弟弟 而是亲弟弟
有一天我得空 我一定会带你最爱的青苹果去看你
我很想你 你知道的。
我顿时停下了脚步 脑子里浮现了好多画面
在送你最后一程前 听着这首你最爱的歌哭得半死
我知道我不能听到这首歌 我知道我会流泪
就像上次那样 跟朋友去唱K
唱着这首歌 眼泪还是流了下来
好想把现在发生的一切告诉你 也想听听你的近况 听你对我诉苦
还有来世 我还要你当我弟
不是干弟弟 而是亲弟弟
有一天我得空 我一定会带你最爱的青苹果去看你
我很想你 你知道的。
Back to Single
I know everyone will ask ,
" why so fast? "
来得快 去得也快
其实也是啦 根本不了解那么快就在一起了
可是我真的没有看过这样智障的一个人 -.-
其实我很介意 只是没说出口
两次了 两次我的男朋友都是被所谓的好朋友抢走了
我真的很怕 很没安全感
我在意 我在乎
你什么都不懂 你可以去死吗?
说真的 这样是每个女生都会介意的好不好
我突然觉得我很大方 噗!!
但我就是不想 我想给你机会 给你时间
但最后你说出口了 那好吧
现在报应来了 我终于知道她的感受了
她现在笑回我了 T^T
他知道我的事 他回来了 找回我了
2年了 你等我2年了
不是我不想 只是真的没有feel
你对我很好 很疼我 很关心我
但是不懂为什么 我觉得
你给的不是我要的 我要的你给不到
当初 你知道我在利用 你也心甘情愿
但现在我不想这样了 对不起
谢谢你给的一切 那是钱也买不到的 :)
有人说 我好不容易走回直路了
但这也不能勉强 我看的是感觉 而不是性别
我说过 我遇到喜欢的男生我还是会在一起
这句我笑翻了 那时我有男朋友
"嗯 他很不正常 他是智障的"
我爸每次都笑我没男朋友 没人追
有一天我一定要show给他看 我也是有人要的!! XD
"你要幸福 不要被人家骗"
亲爱的肥婆对我说的 谢谢你
Random post
Just feel like blogging .
Two weeks holiday for my noon job
because my dear fatty is come back to replace me
First day of my holiday I'm enjoying !
These things I bought at that day
After that I had my vege spaghetti as my dinner
Where I'm looking at ?
Last Friday had our lunch at Dragon-I
meet ET boy that day
and someone make me angry ! I hate you
Anyway , thanks for this :)
Last Wednesday is the last time clubbing
For celebrated ET boy birthday
But it's really boring that night ..
Some photos of that day
three of us in a bored night
With Weron
My dear TCC are back !!
take leave at my night job because of her
You should feel glorious because of this !!
First night , went Starbucks with her
thanks for listening all the bull shit
Although we less contact but you are the good listener for me
thanks a lot :)
The next day when to Penang with TCC and her classmate for visiting
Glad to know yr friends from the other country
Just feel like blogging .
Two weeks holiday for my noon job
because my dear fatty is come back to replace me
First day of my holiday I'm enjoying !
These things I bought at that day
After that I had my vege spaghetti as my dinner
Where I'm looking at ?
Last Friday had our lunch at Dragon-I
meet ET boy that day
and someone make me angry ! I hate you
Anyway , thanks for this :)
Last Wednesday is the last time clubbing
For celebrated ET boy birthday
But it's really boring that night ..
Some photos of that day
three of us in a bored night
With Weron
My dear TCC are back !!
take leave at my night job because of her
You should feel glorious because of this !!
First night , went Starbucks with her
thanks for listening all the bull shit
Although we less contact but you are the good listener for me
thanks a lot :)
The next day when to Penang with TCC and her classmate for visiting
Glad to know yr friends from the other country
I never regret what I decide
But please , don't hurt me and make me feel I'm tired with this
Don't always say that you're bad
Why don't you try your best and change your attitude?
Step Up Revolution
Oopsss , It's 3.15am right now
Insomnia tonight ..
Maybe I just used to stay up late everyday
My skin is getting bad ! Oh God !
Em... turn back to the topic
Ya , I just watched Step Up Revolution with my friends
With my dear dear fatty , she's just back from KL for a sem break
I miss your love handle
I miss your cute attitude
I miss your rude action
But the most I miss is ... our awkward moment
Just you and I know that meaning =3=
Step Up Revolution
It's not bad but I like Step Up 3 more
In this movie, I love the most is they dancing at the gallery
Really amazing !
And the last Moose are come out !
I love Moose although he's no that handsome :D
Proud of Malaysia , Dato LCW
Watched the Olympic badminton competition yesterday while working
Dato LCW vs Lin Dan
I totally can't focus on working
The competition totally intense ! Heart attack !
All of the customer was shouting while watching
I think all the Malaysian same too
But last he is being defeated
The depression of his face is really touch my heart
LCW , you try your best already !
You are the hero , the champion in my heart
The proud of Malaysia
You no need say sorry to everyone
If no have you , Malaysia is nothing in Olympia
You won the first silver medal
Is you make our flag rise and show to the whole world
You are the best
I salute to you
SoJu Night
Went to Soju Room on 1st of August
But no have time to update my blog :(
The 2nd time went to Soju Room
This time with my colleague , Librarians
That day out fits
My hair stylist of that day , Alex
Take a lot of photo and meet many friends that day
Let's see some photo !
Me and Kelvin
Yong He
We :))
First time clubbing with my boyfie
But it's unhappy
If can , no next time .
But no have time to update my blog :(
The 2nd time went to Soju Room
This time with my colleague , Librarians
That day out fits
My hair stylist of that day , Alex
Take a lot of photo and meet many friends that day
Let's see some photo !
Me and Kelvin
Yong He
We :))
First time clubbing with my boyfie
But it's unhappy
If can , no next time .
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