Yesterday go Sunway with dar watch this movie
[Red Riding Hood]
its nice!!The ending let people unexpected
me and dar thinking who is the werewolf
is that 2 boys? or her grandma?
actually is her father.. surprising -.-

The actress have a big big eyes @@

Hey~!! i like this girl style!!
its cool and same like korean
i damn like!!
That day nothing to do and find blog to view
suddenly find this girl blog
she is a Kl pretty girl
she's so thin and is a rich girl~ wow ><
i wan dress up like her style
but i think its not suitable to me
because im too short and ugly T__T
My mixpod got problem!! pek cek nia!!
cant play the song! WTF!!
I wan cut my hair lah~~~~~~~
my hairstylist is at Taiwan now
must wait her back but im so geram my hair
the weather is too hot and my hair is too long
it make me feel disgusting ><
Someday i pek cek i will cut hair by myself XDD