long time din write ady
my pc got something wrong cant on9
sienzz nia~ always at home oso nothing to do
but i got revision everyday :D
im change
change be a guai kia XD
my dar no have work
so we hang out together ^^
i wan to go Charlie Brown Cafe long time ady
but no have chance
so that day i forced her to go
after tuition, we go Rice Bar to eat my dinner
on the way to Penang, i asleep in the car bcause im too tired
1st we go to Straits Quay
go to Charlie Brown Cafe
its design is nice and so cute
the caunter
so many food and drinks dint have :(
This is my drink -- Vanilla Latte
nice oso but i dun like the cream
the taste same like cheap wan ><
And my dar order mushroom soup
its delicious!
The Charlie Brown carpet
This is my seat ^^
The Shop design
Here is me n snoopy photo :D
the snoopy is so big size
me with Charlie Brown
he is taller than me T^T
Then we go to gurney to see movie
but its full so next time bah :)
fortunate we cant see the movie
bcause i dun like that movie "鬼也笑"
i think its just suck
After that we eat again
we 2 wan bcome pig ady lah ><
we go "龙的传人" to having our dinner again
i just know there oso have many vegetarian foods
got vegetable abalone.. its the 1st time i hear that @@
i eat vegetarian 17 years oso dun know got abalone -.-
i just order "tau fu" because my stoumach is so full
dar din tell me wan go there eat earlier T__T
This is my "tau fu"
damn nice!! i addictive in this food!!
That day is a happy day
thx my dar :)