my blog just reopen yesterday
damn it!! Dont know why always cant sign in
actually i wan update my blog long time ago -.-
Thx TCC help me for my blogger
Thank You very much
you're a good helper in my life XDD

I watch Pirates of the Caribean twice
1st time watch with friends but I promise dar wan watch with her ady
so another day watch again with her
But 1 have not 3D 1 got :D
wooooo~ I love her mermaid
all soooo beautiful but they are insidious

I love this mermaid
she is kind and goodness
and she is falling in love with human
so match with the boy ^^

I like her innocent face XD
look most beautiful
Now.. is Holiday
yuhooo~~~ its time to play & enjoy XD
but still have to do some revision..
SPM is comming soon TT