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I went to Birthday Party last Thursday and Friday
1st time celebrate friend's birthday continuous 2days
Thursday - EenLin Birthday
Oh yeah~ our 琳姐 birthday ^^
We celebrate at Who's Byran~
After work I direct go to there by walking
Because her I lie to my boss and off duty earlier
U see~ Im so bigness XD
We are 5Intan's amiable students ^^

Photo by me went she make a wish
Actually is a nice photo.. but beside that 抢镜头 ==
We didn't gave her present so sorry ya
Because im poor people XD
But I think our friendship and the memory are most important to me
I will treasure our friendship
And our time in school is so short.. Less than 1 month
After SPM don't know we will join again or not.. I wish can :)
I will enjoy the time with u dear friend
No u No laughing
you are always the 开心果 for us.. Thank You ^^
I also happy for u because u get a Ipad2 for yr present..
Because u will borrow me.. hahahaha XD
Friday - Jay Yip Birthday
That day celebrate at Putumayo Steamboat & BBQ
No vegetarian at there so I cant eat ><
So that.. I always sat at there play Iphone, camera and Galaxy Tab
Isshhh.. I don't know use the Galaxy Tab
Its hard to use ><

2 vegetarian, 1 people 1 Iphone XD
But the phone is not belong to us.. hahaha
Here is his birthday cake make by her girlfriend - Joan
Wow.. so touch~~~
This cake so delicious ^^
Joan u do the best!! XD

Fresh Buddy!! ^^

Look upside XD
Sorry for Shu Yuan~ U are still fresh buddy
Im not forget u but just u always say u are busy ><
And Jay also forget to invite u...
I don't know yr feel.. We felt sorry ><
That day sorry because I back early
Because Im too hungry and I want back to my cousin birthday party
I just put some photo at there..
all 幕后花絮 just see at facebook :)