miss here so much
May totally is a busy month for me
Keep working and sleeping
I miss my friend so much.. when can we hang out again? :'(
By the way,
I enjoying my life
I never let the bull shit stress my life :D
Glad to know all the librarians
kind friendly and nice
It's happy working with u all ^^
I just hate the manager !
Always talking and near to me
WTF ! He "bok mong" me !
Finally the boss fire he!!
hahaha.. just work few days than get fire
what a suck person!
The library without him all the staff are so happy XD
My working place at night
The Library
The new outlets at Butterworth
finish working and take our supper at Mcd
Everyday supper at different place.. I will become fat soon
Saturday , celebrate Eric birthday after work
Happy Birthday Eric!
After u back KL i will miss u XD
舍不得啦 :(
That day 6am just reached home
damn tired
Me and Ah piak
Im eating the birthday cake
Im look nice in this photo I think XD

Librarians hwatting !