Feels good~~~~ XD
But exam again next two weeks!!
WTF!! so stress u know :'(
and SPM are coming soon.. Just left 40++ days...
And now..
I have free time to update my blog :)
but need study too..
My account and ekonomi just like shit!!
Yesterday know my Moral mark
I get "B" .. Oh thx god.. Im really hafal too hard ><
But i think i can get A in SPM!!
Gambateh!! and good luck to me ^^
And this nine days are 九皇爷
My heaven!! hahahahah
everywhere got vegetarian.. Damn convenient!!
But somewhere is sell too expensive ><
And sure.. every years i have help sell at Chai Leng Park :)
I 义卖 at there.. come support ya ^^
The food is delicious.. Really!!
But today i din go..
Today hang out with friends.. They will so Hong Kong soon
And i busy for my exam..
So.. gather today ^^
朴特真的去参加我结了.... (哭)