Friday..Its TCC bday!!
Wish her hapi hapi bday 1st ^^
After school then we go PCF at 3pm like that
Actually we went there for buy shirt and trouser to TCC
and saw the movie [ Johny English ]
Its funny but a little bit boring ><
shit TCC!! choose for her the shirt all dun wan
always wan plan wan.. pek cek nia!! ><
suit her but her dun wan.. dun know i wan choose how for u -.-
Then we wait Rachel Liang.. That day is her 大马签唱会
Im so curious why she choose Megamall not Sunway
I dint like Megamall.. its cheap and many malay and lala
Nothing to buy at there also
I encounter Winnie and XuanEr at toilet
So.. take a photo!! XD

I wait for Rachel Liang very long time!! pek cek!!
stand for 1 hours.. shit..
My leg is so pain ><

The photo we wait for Rachel take wan
With MS :)
Finally saw her..

OMG!! I love her leopard shoes so much!!!
I wan it too!!
Em.. by the way.. she is a beautiful girl ^^
white skin and long hair :)
After she sang 1 song then we back..