Such a long time din't update my blog
missss here much :D
Every time wanna update my blog but too lazy
so delay until now
Im busy for my SPM :)
6 subjects are past, just left 3 subjects
But I look like over exam now.. very relax and always hang out XD
Whatever ~
Next week just exam, so now is the time to rest :P
Talk back the tittle
Ya! Happy Feet

Just watched this movie yesterday with my family
Oh My Gosh!! Damn cute the penguin!!
Love they so much!!
The nice song and the nice dance ^^
Before saw this movie
I just think this movie just a common movie and no interesting although the penguin so cute
But it's not!! Wrong thought!!
This movie damn damn nice!!
And I wanna see Twilight!!
Anyone want company me? Im just alone
Isshhh.. I need a boyfriend XD
But they say
"In a relationship when you are ready not you are lonely"
Now I wanna a boyfriend just lonely ><
Anyway~ let nature take its course...
Yesterday night.. I dream of Xiah,Micky and YeSung!!
Omo!! What a sweet dream :D
I love this dream but just throughout a dream :(
But the dream are so illogical -.-
I always shout that Micky is handsome then the photo
and I take photo with Xiah
YeSung just dream a little bit only ><
I hope today I will dream of Hero XDD