Oh Yes! Finally i watched it!!
I thought nobody want to accompany me :'(
Thx Mingz ^^
date me to watch this.. if not i know know when I just watch it..
All of the twilight I oso have watched
I think this is the most splendid of all the Twilight series
At the main point of the movie I just know it will be continue in part2
shit! And F*ck GSC!!
When they are talking the point the movie have no any subtitle!!
F*ck off!! I just guess what their talking and outline!!
You know that my english is bad /.\
You are Edward's Team or Jacob's Team?
Oh Suck.. I really didn't like Edward
First, he is no handsome and he always look sluttery in his own life
He just look nice in Twilight.. REALLY...
I damn like vampire but I didn't like Edward
I love Jasper Cullent ^^ how about u?
Who are the most u like in Cullent Family?
But in this part of Twilight, Jasper have no any dialogue :'(
Say back...
I am in Jacob's Team
Wowww.. He's look so man and wild in this film
He make me like werwolf... just because of him :)
I just talk a lot of nonsense here..
ignore it if u din like
ignore it when u are Edward's fans
Don't beat me when u see me
I am waiting part 2
await~ :)